So a couple of weeks ago I finally took pictures out in the snow. But because I already had that week’s post organised, I decided to delay it until this week. I was planning to do an outfit centred around valentines but since I am perpetually single and don’t care about Valentine’s Day, I decided just to leave it. It was absolutely freezing and since I was using a timer, a lot of my pictures are of me looking cold and/or miserable (It’s weird how detached I am from these pictures; usually I’m like “I can’t put that one up, my arm is slightly out of place” but today I'm like “let’s all laugh at Past Bronwyn”.) The snow only has to get this deep in Britain before we are all worried about whether the school will close and panic buy tinned food. Also I’ve filmed a Get Ready With Me Pre-Blogging Make-up Routine video (I don’t know what to call it) that I will put up sometime next week. I haven’t edited that yet… I'm wearing: Jumpe...