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Liebster Award

So today is not the right Thursday or Friday (which is when I’ve decided is when I’ll post my 365 project updates) but the other day I was nominated by Bobby from Pressed Powder Blog for the Liebster Award (Thank you!). Being new to this whole blogging thing, I know nothing about this. From what I can tell, it’s some sort of chain-mail meme. But hey, I’ll give it a go. Please bear in mind that I’m basing this totally on the rules on Bobby’s post so if I get it wrong, sorry.

Anyhow, the rules are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Answers the questions from your nominator.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers. (I’m basing this on Bloglovin’ as I don’t know what I’m supposed to do it on)
4. Create 11 new questions.
5. Notify your nominees through social media
The questions Bobby asked were:

1.Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging this year after getting really into blogs that I was linked to through Pinterest. I thought “hey that looks like fun!” and decided to try it myself.

2. What is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
Sit on the internet. That what I like doing most days (to be fair it rains most days), I read blogs, window shop on etsy, watch YouTube and scroll through tumblr. I also like to watch boxsets

3. What would be your ideal holiday destination?
I’m not sure. Somewhere warm, with lots of interesting things to do and interesting shops.

4. What is your favourite meal of the day?
Dinner; breakfast is rushed, lunch is boring, but there is just a lot more variety at dinner
5. If you had one wish (and you cannot wish for more wishes) what would it be?
An end to discrimination. I know, cliché, but it is something that I'm genuinely very passionate and annoyed about.

6. What are your goals for 2015?
To complete my 365 day project, to grow my blog and to more than just outfit posts, and to get a lot fitter.  

7. Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
Genuinely have no idea. I may have met someone, I may have an awesome job, I may still be blogging, and I may even have a kid. Who knows!

8. What was the last random act of kindness you performed?
Umm, I don’t know if this counts, but I was a part of a group that organised a series of charity events for stand up to cancer. I’d like to think of myself as a kind person so I can’t really think of an isolated, “look at what I’ve done” event. That’s a hard one…

9. What is your favourite colour?
Blue. You probably can tell.

10. What is your favourite make-up product and why?
I really like lipsticks because they don’t require much skill and they’re really fun. My favourite right now is either No7’s Crushed Crimson or my slightly old Classic Rose which I think they have renamed.

11. What is your favourite blog post from your blog and why?
I don’t really know. Maybe Clueing for Looks as I really like the dress I wore in that one and I like how isolated some of the pictures looked even though I could see houses from where I was.

So there you go! Most of the answers I started with I don’t know but I answered them all. I'm going to nominate:

1.       Demi from Carbon Chic
2.       Silvia from Kikabibi
3.       Susan from love life every day
4.       Sybille from The New New Girl
5.       Pretty Nostalgia
6.       Sarah from The Salty Sea Blog
7.       Ci Ci Marie
8.       Dominique from Her Fashion Blog
9.       Nikki from Dream In Neon
10.     Kirsten from Kirsten Learns
11.     And any one reading this that wants to give it a go (comment a link to your blog)
(Sorry if I’ve got anyone’s names wrong)

My questions to you are:
1.   What is your blogging process?
2.   What was the best thing to happen to you this week?
3.   If you had one superpower what would it be?
4.   Are you a cat person, a dog person, or neither?
5.   What was the last song you listen to?
6.   What are you most proud of?
7.   Do you prefer morning, afternoon or night?
8.   Are you introverted, extroverted or a mix of both?
9.   What fashion trend can you completely not stand?
10. Name one thing you can’t live without and why?
11. And finally if you could achieve one thing from blogging, what would it be?

(Sorry about the rubbish questions.)

Today I’m listening to: 


  1. Thank you so much, you are lovely!!! I´m reading the rules on the spanish webpage and apparently the nomination is already a price, so I think you could use the pink widget on your blog. :-)
    I will work on it according to the rules next week. I will let you know :-)

    1. i need to work out how to put the widget up. I'm looking forward to reading yours!


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